New LinkedIn Feature! Marketers, Get The ROI You’ve Been Seeking!

Breaking news from the #samsales news desk – you can now get even further reach with LinkedIn’s latest feature! 

Brands can now pay to boost posts from employees within their organization as well as any user outside of their organization (who opts in to be boosted). 

Your executive posts content > your org pays to boost the post > fresh eyes on the posts + more impressions, more engagement, more brand awareness, you get the drift!! 

What does this mean for you?

If you’re dumping your marketing budgets into LinkedIn ads but the math isn’t mathing, say goodbye to wasted ad dollars that aren’t getting you the ROI you need. Put those dollars into LinkedIn thought leader ads and watch your website traffic, click-throughs, and inbounds soar!


Want to learn how? Contact us!


Where Should You Begin?!

Step 1 – Write Insightful Content

This quote comes from a founder who was featured alongside Sam McKenna in Inc. Magazine. The same founder notes that some of his largest clients surfaced after noticing his presence on LinkedIn – a presence he began building with help from LinkedIn ghostwriters.

Our LinkedIn ghostwriting services have taken off over the past year, and it’s currently our fastest-growing line of business.

So!, as LinkedIn executive branding experts, what’s our advice for you?

Get. To. Posting.  As a leader, you have a competitive advantage in that a weighty title draws more eyes to your social presence more quickly. You simply have to begin.

Where’s the data, you ask?

We all know that buyers are doing a majority of their research on their own before ever speaking to a sales rep or requesting a demo.

In fact‚ Gartner research finds that when B2B buyers are considering a purchase‚ they spend only 17% of that time meeting with potential suppliers. When buyers are comparing multiple suppliers‚ the amount of time spent with any one sales rep may be only 5% or 6%.

#samsales can help you:

  •  Educate the market BEFORE your buyers are ready to purchase.
  •  Stay top of mind by posting content external to your website.
  •  Build trust and a unique POV so that you’re the company that’s contacted when your buyer is ready to take that next step.

What’s the only way to do this in a non-pushy way?

Be active in the communities where your buyers hang out – on LinkedIn.

Let’s chat about it!