All Things LinkedIn Workshop with Sam McKenna!

#becausewecan, #LinkedIn, #Sales

Great news! You can now watch the recording of Sam’s ‘All Things LinkedIn’ workshop on demand here!



The people have spoken!

We polled our recent workshop attendees, and word on the street is that the people want ALL the scoop on LinkedIn! And who are we to not give the people what they want?

If you’re new to #samsales (welcome!!), you might be thinking, “What’s the hype about Sam’s LinkedIn training?”

To which we say, “Buckle up for these stats!”:

  • Sam is ex-LinkedIn and led Enterprise AEs selling LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • Want to get hired by your dream company?  Part of what led Sam to being recruited to work at LinkedIn was…her brand on LinkedIn!
  •  Sam knows the algorithm ins and outs that is a lead machine for #samsales (and has helped us grow into a multi-million dollar company), and that helps her posts get upwards of tens of thousands of views each time.
  •  In less than five minutes, Sam can teach you one of her dozens of Sales Navigator hacks that will leave you stunned and saying, “I never knew it could do that!
  • One of our fastest growing LOBs is LinkedIn Executive Branding – we help sales leaders, SVPs, CROs, entrepreneurs, you name it, build their brands on LinkedIn – come learn a thing or two about how to do just that!